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Author: PestProBlog

8 Reasons Why PestPro Is The Tool For Insect Identification
Insect identification may seem to be just for the naturalist, but it’s simply not so. For the young mother who sees a spider climbing her wall, or the gardenist who sees an insect munching on a beetle. They must know what that insect is and what to do about it. Besides kill it.
The farmer who has invested thousands, if not millions into his crop. He too should know more about those who pose a threat to his success, and many times he does. But can one know enough about the growing world of the arthropods?
That’s why we built Pestpro. So let’s go ahead and discuss:
8 Reasons Why PestPro Is The Tool For Insect Identification

1. It will save the lives of many bugs.
When most see a bug, it’s not to take a picture, but instead destroy the insects life. With no more opportunity of living, the bug dies in vain. We don’t think insects and humans must live in the same home, but destroying the bug isn’t always the answer either.
But then you have those WHO DO (besides the naturalist) who take pictures of bugs for whatever reason. They’re on the edge of killing the bug. They’re not really sure what to do with the bug and are simply curious.
So when they upload the image to our site, it gives us opportunity to talk about the bug and what they’re capable of doing (good and bad).
2. It brings education to those who are curious.
Many will find insects more enjoyable to study as they find their answers quickly with our tool. We feel like education is great for the user and that hopefully one day, they’ll become a “Pestpro”.
By the way, Pestpro doesn’t signify that all bugs are pest, but instead it means we know the difference. Not all entomologist know the difference. They simply know only the identification.
Our team consist of individual who have hand-on experience with the bug world. They would never agree to identifying the flea or a bed-bug as a harmless insect. That’s where some entomologist disagree.
Many are bias and don’t consider the human in every situation. We want all insects to live also, but we must consider the human in all situations. We must considering the following factors when identifying a bug:
- Plants
- Pets
- Home
That’s why we offer the “transfer option”. With this, we recommend the insect to be transferred outside so that it can live. If the user is not comfortable, we recommend they find someone who is.
If the user finds a bug that is simply destructive such as a bed bug, we recommend extermination in which IPM is in practice.
3. Built for the modern generation.
We made sure our site was built for all devices. Not like many other resources out there. We want the younger generation involved and to find what we do exciting. That’s why we made sure our site was compatible with all devices.
4. Well balanced and not just for the naturalist.
Like mentioned above, we’re not biased when it comes to insect identification. If it hurts a human, we will say it. We will get heat from this, but we can’t risk someone getting hurt.
We’re more balanced when it comes to our answers on how to handle each bug. Most bugs are harmless to humans, but may not be to the pet, the plant or your home. So to say a bug is harmless, you must ask; In what way? We answer all those questions to the best of our ability.
5. Great for the garden.
Did you know some insects will defend your garden from the “bad” insects? By planting insectary plants such as the Cornflowers, Alyssums, Fennels, and Borages you’ll attract the insects who will feed on the bad insects.
Insects such as the Lady Bug, Praying Mantis, and Ground Beetle will be attracted. These guys will fight for your garden without the use of chemical.
To help verify what pest you have in your garden, you can use Pestpro. Most of the time we let you know if they’re a garden pest.
6. Faster than any other resource.
If you’re bug isn’t blurry we can identify pretty quickly. As we grow, this only gets better and quicker. Not like other resources that take days or even weeks. That’s if they identify for you.
We appreciate the resources, don’t get us wrong, we just got to consider the “Google Generation” who wants technology updated for things like this. If it means saving a bug, human, pet or plant, it’s worth investing into.
7. More accurate than most resources.
Our identifiers are selected among the top in their category. With degrees and a background of high accuracy in insect identification, our team is among the most accurate out there. As time goes on though, we plan to increase accuracy also. Not just to family, but genus, and possibly species.
8. Safety of your family is #1 on our minds when answering your question.
As mentioned before, our number one task is to increase health among mankind. To bring security to the family. Answers do just that, and that’s why we go another day in serving you with insect identification. They (bugs) surround us every day and they bring many questions. That’s why we’re here though, and that’s to show we care.

The Top 9 Bug Fights On Youtube
Here are 9 of the top bug fights on Youtube ( I understand spiders and scorpions are among some of these fights also). Understand the identifications of the insect (or spider) within the video maybe incorrect. But the strategies of war among these guys are just amazing. We rate them based on action and the unbelievable winner at the end.
If you think bug fighting is cruel you may not want to watch these videos. They simply show how amazing nature is and that defense is built even among the smallest of creatures.
Hope you enjoy.
9. Jumping Jack Ants vs. Huntsman Spider: 2,330,528 views
8. Spider Vs. Wasp: 1,315,211 views
7. Black Widow vs. Scorpion: 1,713,910 views
6. European Wasp Vs Bull Ant: 885,949 views
5. Bee Vs. Jumping Spider: 4,818,199 views
4. Brazilian wanderer spider vs tarantula hawk wasp: 244,776 views
3. War Ants vs Termites: 618,935 views
2. Fire Ants Vs. Giant Wolf Spider: 872,223 views
1. Insane Beetle Chops Scorpion’s Tail Off: 1,574,768 views
Spider Wasp: The “Ninja Wasp”
Spider Wasp
The Spider Wasp, A.K.A. as Ninja Wasp on Youtube, has become famous for it’s amazing fighting skills. As you watch it approach a huge spider you’re for sure the spider will walk away as the winner.
But guess again.
With determination, these wasp many times walk away with their trophy 3x their size.
You can watch that in action here:
Scientific Name: Family Pompilidae
Also known as the Spider Wasp, they are notorious for their fierceness towards spiders. Many in which (among the species) differ in their approach towards humans (mostly passive).
Do they sting?
These wasp hardly ever break the skin when trying to sting a human (if they try that is). But there is a species among this family that really packs a punch. Spider Wasps of the genus Pepsis, also known as tarantula hawks, have a sting rating of 4 (according to the Schmidt sting pain index). Which is close to the pain of a Bullet Ant sting.
How They Feed The Larvae
Spider wasps are solitary wasps that use a single spider as a source for feeding their larvae. They paralyze the spider with a venomous stinger. Once stunned and paralyzed, the spider is dragged to where the hole (nest) has been built.
Are Spider Wasp Considered Pest?
We rate the Spider Wasp as a non-pest. They cause no harm to humans, neither do they infest homes, or transmit diseases. Only the Tarantula Hawk can really cause damage, but among the majority in the Pompilidae family, the Spider Wasp are harmless.
Taxonomy | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Arthropoda |
Class: | Insecta |
Order: | Hymenoptera |
Suborder: | Apocrita |
Superfamily: | Vespoidea |
Family: | Pompilidae |
External Sources:

The Spider Bite Guide

Spider Bites
Spiders bites can be a serious thing depending on the species. That’s why taking precaution is needed before and after the incident. It does happen often and is best to know what to do in every situation
Over 3 million people (per year) claim to be spider bitten in the U.S. and therefore not a small issue.
Prevention Methods
Biggest way to prevent a spider bite happening in your home is by preventing spiders from entering in.
Biggest ways to do that is by:
- Keeping garage clean
- Knocking down all webs you see in home
- Seal all cracks coming from the outside
- Move all wood away from home that’s usually in stacks
- Trim hedges and bushes really good
- Vacuum often
- Turn off outside lights when you’re not using them
People say to spread tobacco, vinegar, and lemon juice to help prevention the natural way. You can read more about that here.
But really these ways are no better than pesticides since they do kill the spider. So prevention is best if possible.
If you have a crawl space, a big garage, or porches I’d consider having treatments done by a professional. And if you’re worried about chemical inside the home, use the above remedies. But by targeting the outside, this knocks down the spider traffic tremendously.
For those who see all spiders as a pet, keep using the natural remedies. These can help also. But when it comes to homes that have a crawl space underneath, these places breed spiders at the largest amount (worse than the garage). Consider a professional in these situations.
What to do if bitten by a spider
If you have been bitten, the identification of the spider is very important. This helps you and the doctors to know what to do.
There are three spiders in America that can really hurt you if not guided on what to do. Such as:
1. The Recluse (Such as the Brown or Apache Recluse) They are recognized by the violin shape on their upper back.
2. The Widow Spider (Such as the Brown or Black Widow) They’re recognized by the hour glass shape on their abdomen.
3. The Hobo Spider (They don’t inject venom but bites can be painful sometimes.)
Here’s a complete list of venomous spiders by the state.
Or you can upload a picture to Pestpro and have us identify it for you as you try contacting a doctor.
Understand spider bites are hardly ever fatal, but symptoms can be serious if not taken cared of correctly. However if you recognize the spider to being venomous you should definitely Call the Poison Control Center (24-hour hotline at 1-800-222-1222 in the U.S.
MedicineNet recommends the following:
- Wash the bite area with soap and water.
- Elevate the area to prevent spread of the venom.
- Tie a snug bandage above the area (if on an arm or leg) to further reduce spread of the venom, but do not make the bandage too tight that it impairs the blood circulation.
- Always seek immediate emergency medical care. An anti-venom medication is sometimes given for black widow spider bites. Doctors use different types of medications to treat spider bites, including pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and/or corticosteroids. Sometimes hospitalization is required after black widow or brown recluse spider bites.
Biggest thing with spiders is to prevent them. By educating yourself you can sleep better and feel better about your home and family.
How many legs does a spider have?
Answer: A spider has 8 legs.

Have You Seen The Ant That Can “Explode”?
Just when you’ve seen it all. This ant has got to be one of the coolest discoveries. He’s a type of trap-jaw ant, and he has a nickname.
Rocket Ant.
Just when you thought superpowers were made up, wait until you hear about this guy and what he’s capable of doing.
He has three amazing abilities.
1. He can jump at amazing heights (3 stories if it were human).
2. Has a bite that can leave you crying.
3. He appears he to get angry before he “explodes” into motion. Like the hulk:)
He ain’t cute either.
Most trap-jaw ants belong to the genus Odontomachus, named for their mandibles, or mouthparts, which are capable of opening very wide.
- Trap-jaw ant can open its jaw 180 degrees
- Can release it like a beartrap at the ground to launch itself into the air
- 9.5mm ant spreading across the Gulf states
“They look like little hammerhead sharks walking around,” said D. Magdalena Sorger.
It seems that the USA has had these ants for the past 50 years, no one really notice because of the few of number.
Until now.
Many believe the crazy weather has got them stirred up and it’s why we’re just now noticing them.
“Trap-jaw ants have little sensory hairs on the inside of their jaws,” said Sheila Patek, a biologist who studies the evolutionary mechanics of movements at Duke University. Patek explained that these hairs are linked directly to the muscles that hold the jaw open. “So they can fire those latch muscles even faster than their brain can process.” -National Geographic
So according to studies, these can guys can leave you hurting and they haven’t had time to think about it yet. Not good.
Grabbing and stunning prey aren’t the only things those mandibles are good for. When threatened, trap-jaw ants fire their bite against the ground with so much force that it hurls them into the air like popcorn out of a frying pan. When a whole army of trap-jaw ants does this at once, Patek says it can get a little scary. -National Geographic
Just when you got use to the fire ants.

Are spiders insects?
Are spiders insects?
It’s a question people automatically say yes to, but if as they look a the differences, soon they realize that in fact spiders are not insects.
Here are some differences between the two to help you understand:
1. The count of legs
2. The type of body (such as exoskeleton)
3. How many body parts they have
4. Insects have antennae. Spiders don’t.
5. Spiders have no wings.
Here’s how the Bug Squad separates the two from insect and spider:
Insects have a head, thorax and abdomen, and the thorax has three pairs of legs. They also eyes, antennae and mouthparts, the Explorit Science Center website points out. “The entire body is protected by a tough outer covering called an exoskeleton. Animals that share these characteristics are called insects. The group to which they belong is called the Insecta.”
Spiders, as the Explorit Science Center explains, have two main body parts. “The body consists of a combined head and thorax called the cephalothorax, and the abdomen. The cephalothorax has the eyes, mouthparts (no antennae) and four pairs of legs. Animals that share these characteristics include ticks, mites, scorpions and spiders. The group is called the Arachnida.”
Here’s the two by definition.
So the answer in short would be no. Spiders aren’t insects. They’re arachnids.

The Top 3 Ways To Get Insect or Spider Identification
So we’re always looking for ways to stay on top of insect identification. Definitely if you’re a gardener, a mom with kids, or a curious camper. And with millions of bugs, that’s not easy. Until now.
While many go old school and use the bug book and guides, which is still good to do. There are resources online also that help us with the process. Including apps also, but most of those cost. So that’s why we conducted a list that’s free to use.
Let’s go ahead and list those.
The Top 3 Ways To Get Insect or Spider Identification
1. Use Pestpro the website
Pestpro is the newest but yet the quickest way to receive an insect identification. You simply upload an image to the site and wait for an ID from a highly qualified identifier. These guys have degrees in Entomology with years of experience (some have 20+ years plus). It’s got to be the easiest way out there. But don’t get us wrong, there is other great ways also.
2. Use Bugguide
Bugguide is the largest database out there with all the images. Not as quick as Pestpro for an identification, but the information is there, almost everything you would need to know.
It’s very accurate though and you’ll find millions of images. It was launched in 2003 and they have uploaded lots of good information there. It’s considered the largest bug library out there.
3. Use Facebook Or Reddit Groups
These groups do well when it comes to engagement and socializing with people who have passed experience with your bug. Most times you’ll get your bug identified also. Coolest things about these groups is the experience these guys have with the insect itself and how they approached it. The likes and pluses help you determine the best answer. Here’s also another Facebook you may want to use also: Bug Identification Group and Spider Enthusiast and Spider, Bugs & Bites In The USA. These places are accurate also as more engagement get’s involved because pros usually hang around to get make sure of accuracy.
If you’re worried about language I hardly ever, if any, see anything like in these places. Which is good. I use a filter also to help with that on Chrome which helps filter words (just in case you need that:)
Note: The biggest thing you can do to help your accuracy of image, and the speed of it all, is to have location. Make sure your image is not blurry and that it has all major parts within image such as:
1. Head
2. Abdomen
3. Wings
4. Antennas
Hope this help with your identification quest and that you find all your questions answered soon with one of these websites!

New Discovery of Spider (Maratus personatus) Is Not Only Cute. He Dances.
Meet the new discovered spider Maratus personatus. A member of the peacock spiders is not only good looking but a dancer as well (as you can see below).
He dances to attract his mate for sexual purposes.
Not much info on the spider yet since it was just discovered but the original video was from an upload on April 4th. It just resurfaced and people are sharing this like crazy. This little guy has become famous over night and many are finding him cuter than ever.
Maratus is a spider genus of the Salticidae family (jumping spiders). These spiders are commonly referred to as peacock spiders due to their colorful abdominal flaps that they display during courtship.[1] In at least one species,Maratus vespertilio, the expansion of the flaps also occurs during ritualised contests between males.[2]
All described species are endemic to Australia. Several species in this genus were earlier classified in the genus Saitis, containing the Mediterranean Saitis barbipes, which is superficially similar to Maratus (colorful males with enlarged third pair of legs).
Maratus live on the ground or in low bushes.[3] -Wikipedia