When you purchase a boost package you get to experience the marketing side of PestPro. Marketing with PestPro is more effective, and cheaper than most, for the following reasons:
1. Your name is being exposed during the campaign with the impressions you’ll receive. To give you full exposure we will advertise your name in our ads to give you more views.
*You will also receive a report of impressions, the targeted users, what your ads look like, and etc. on regular basis.
2. Your offering a service, through us, to anyone who downloads this app. So once the user downloads the app, your exposure could multiply 10x, based on how much the user uses PestPro. Getting more reach for your money.
3. You’re getting a product/service for ⅓ of the price.
I’ll explain: When someone downloads this app they’ll be downloading it because of a problem they have right now. Then whenever another bug arrives they’ll pick it up again. We also offer a notification system whenever newsworthy headlines arrives dealing with insects and how they’re making headlines effecting people’s health. Ex: “MAZDA IS RECALLING 42,000 CARS DUE TO SPIDERS”
This keeps them coming back again and again. So today they maybe a user, but tomorrow they could be a customer for you. So we’re keeping their attention longer than a billboard, 30 sec. commercial, or a Facebook ad ever could. This is great marketing because of time span of time we receive per user.
4. Our ads will be targeted on potential customers based on age, degree, status, income, and etc. that work best.
5. We will advertise in the areas you register for so you’ll receive highest conversion. We also will targeting local news in your area and journalist. With our ads, and making headlines, we’d be bringing in some major views.
Other Great Reasons To Join:
1. We’re saving your company hundreds of hours in wasted time by identifying bugs in half the time.
2. You’re paying for more than just exposure, but a service that can last the user forever. (Identifying bug, questions being answered, education on bugs most harmful within America)
3. By simply recommending this app it could mean a potential customer. You’re offering a free service that they’ll need, but making them potential customers one day. So at no extra cost you can add our symbol to any billboard, invoices, business cards and you could receive more possible leads.
4. You’re a reaching a generation, like pest control has never done before, by using an app with high demand.
We believe we’re going to win thousands by a landslide and we’d love to have you be a part of that. If you have any questions please contact us at: